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Solutions to 4 Lost-Startup Problems The honeymoon is easy. Once it's over, you have to meet problems head on.

By Guy Kawasaki Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You've built a successful startup--now everyone lives happily ever after, right? Guess again. Here's what to do when the honeymoon is over and the shiitake hits the fan.

1. Problem: The product's late.

  • How you got here: Probably inexperience, wishful thinking and buckling under the real or imagined pressure of investors to ship by a certain date.
  • What to do now: Gather the team together and discuss the project's real status. Ruthlessly decide on changes in people's roles. Scale back the scope/complexity/coolness of the product. Plead guilty to your investors--admit you screwed up. Sandbag the investors--tell them a ship date you know you can beat--and I do mean "know," because your neck is on the chopping block. Then shut up and get to work.

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